I have listened a lot of DANIELE PATUCCHI rare LP's...
LP's very hard to find, even buy on eBay or somewhere else.
No one of Patucchi i've listened so far - no one of those albums disappointed me.
Except : Los Amigos & La Piu Allegra Storia Del Decamerone , i have listened the following:
Sans Sommation (watched this film)
Pane e Cioccolata (watched this film)
E tanta paura (watched this film)
Il Paese Del Sesso Selvaggio (watched this film)
Turbo Time
Dolce e Selvaggio
Il Sesso Della Strega (watched this film)
Alla Scoperta Del Mare
Wild Beasts
Eutanasia Di Un Amore (watched this film)
Cara Sposa (watched this film, GREAT 2 scores by Cipriani & Patucchi)
Metraletta Stein
Uomini e Squali
Uomini del mare
and compilations:
Temi Conduttori Sentimentali (Cam Cml 030)
Temi Conduttori Brillanti (Cam Cml 031)
Brani Drammatici, Violenti e Suspence (CAM CML 028)
Unfortunately i haven't listened others, because LP's very old, never remastered on CD, hard to find, buy.
But all that stuff - LP i listened - ARE AMAZING MUSIC!
I knew this composer 3 years ago maybe, and loved him immediately after Cara Sposa, then i watched many others films with his music and
To be continued...