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.....Lucio Fulci's Horror & Thriller (CD) | Beat Records | CDCR21

immagine retro


Category:  original soundtrack


Composer: - Ennio Morricone - Francesco De Masi - Walter Rizzati - Fabio Frizzi - Fabio Frizzi - Giovanni Cristiani - Franco Piana

Total time:  79’02’’



Price: € 13,5


Format: CD Audio


Buy it now:





Compilation featuring music from the original soundtrack of some of the most famous movie directed by Lucio Fulci

Track listing

Una lucertola con la pelle di donna
1 La lucertola 6'28''
2 Sole sulla pelle 4'19''
3 Magia nera 2'39''
4 Sfinge 4'36''

Music by Ennio Morricone

5 Fay 3'34''
6 New york one more day 2'48''
7 Suspance and murder 2'45''
8 New York one more day 2'57''

Music by Francesco de Masi

9 Quella villa 2'54''
10 Tema bambino 1'52''

Music by Walter Rizzati

11 Baby sequence 1 4'44''
12 Baby sequence 2 2'41''

Music by Fabio Frizzi

13 Voci dal nulla 4'23''
14 Verso l'ignoto 3'21''

Music by Fabio Frizzi

15 Hell flames 2'07''
16 The nun crypt 3'80''
17 The blue mountain 1'52''
18 The revelation 1'45''
19 World's navel 2'09''
20 Farewell to dread 2'00''

Music by Giovanni Cristiani

21 Hell flames 2'07''
22 Love and death 1'01''
23 Running 1'14''
24 Unknown 2'28''
25 Dark 2'29''
26 Leave a message 55''
27 Bechet 45''
28 Magician 2'57''

Music by Franco Piana





Una lucertola con la pelle di donna



- A Lizard in a Woman’s Skin - Carole (France) - Lagartija con piel de mujer, Una (Spain) - Salopes vont en enfer, Les (France) - Schizoid (USA)



- Thriller


- Ennio Morricone


- Lucio Fulci


- Leo Glenn - Florinda Bolkan - Stanley Baker - Jean Sorel - Alberto De Mendoza - Silvia Monti - Anita Strindberg - Mike Kennedy - Georges Rigaud

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Film's Storyline:

Carol Hammond is talking with her psychoanalyst, Dr. Kerr, about her last dream, in which she finds herself trapped amidst many nude people who are pushing and shoving in an endless corridor. She finally finds escape from the crushing throng of nude strangers, and manages to reach a room where a wonderful naked woman is waiting for her. Carol, in an erotic fashion, embraces the dream-woman, but then, unexpectedly, kills her with a steel dagger.
The following day, Julia Durer, who lived in a flat on Carol’s same floor in an elegant house of a very rich section of London, is found dead, and in the same conditions as described in CarolÂ’s dream. Julia’s flat was very often crowded with hippies and heavily-drugged people who would participate in enjoying very special parties. Inspector Corvin, from Scotland Yard’s Criminal Dept., who is in charge of inquiries, decides to start his investigation by investigating the substance-abusing party-goers, even though he is not sure of finding Julia Durer’s murderer among them. In fact, Scotland Yard discovers that the chinchilla fur and dagger found near Julia’s corpse belong to Carol Hammond, and therefore Carol is arrested under suspicion of murder.
Frank Hammond, Carol’s husband, attorney-at-law from the office of Carol’s father, Edmund Brighton, decides to defend Carol using a psychological argument. He proposes that Carol is the victim of a multiple-personality disorder, and would therefore be morally incapable of controlling her own actions. Also, Dr. Kerr recorded all of Carol’s verbal descriptions of her dreams, and Carol herself kept a written record of all of her dreams in her diary. Julia’s murderer could have read Carol’s diary, and then killed Julia in such a way so as to have all suspicion fall on Carol. Everybody becomes a suspect, even Frank’s mistress, Deborah.
The day before JuliaÂ’s murder Edmund Brighton received a telephone call from an unknown person who blackmailed him, threatening, unless paid a large sum of cash, to reveal to the press “interesting things” about a member of his family. Brighton, who was hoping to be re-elected into the House of Commons, was very much astonished by the disturbing call, which ended abruptly, and before he could even respond.
Carol is transferred from prison to a private psychiatric Clinic. At the Clinic she is constantly followed by a red-haired Hippie, a man familiar to her from her murder-dream. The man eventually tries to kill Carol, but she escapes. Perhaps the red-haired man knows who killed Julia.
Carol is finally released under probation, and with the aid of her stepdaughter Joan, begins a private search for the red-haired Hippie. Shortly, Joan is found dead, her throat cut. Inspector Corvin decides to employ all his men, and succeeds in arresting the red-haired Hippie. The Hippie disavows any knowledge of Julia’s murder, but claims to recall observing, while being present at one of Julia’s wild parties and in a drugged stupor, the strange image of a “lizard in a woman’s skin”. Later, Edmund Brighton informs inspector Corvin and his Chief inspector of the blackmailing telephone call he had earlier received. Carol then claims to Corvin that she, mysteriously, has prior knowledge of the blackmailer’s call! Is this proof of her guilt?
In the end it comes to light that the telephone call was made by Julia in Carol’s presence, and it is also discovered that Julia had, for some time, been blackmailing Carol. A lesbian relationship existed between the two women, and it was this which Julia had been using as her “blackmailer’s leverage”. Ultimately Carol felt compelled to murder Julia in order to protect her own image and her fatherÂ’s career. It also comes to light that Carol invented her wild a“dreams” in order to foster the illusion of a multiple-personality disorder, knowing that this psychiatric defence was her only chance at acquittal.
Unfortunately for Carol the law made its way and “the lizard” is arrested.


Lo squartatore di New York



- Psycho ripper - The New York ripper - The ripper



- Thriller


- Francesco De Masi


- Lucio Fulci


- Jack Hedley - Almanta Kelley - Andrew Painter - Alexandra Delli Colli - Howard Ross - Paolo Malco


Film's Storyline:

After a series of barbaric, ritualistic killings in which the victims are women of various social standings, Lieutenant Williams believes that the crimes are the work of a maniac. During his investigations into the murders, the detective avails himself of the help of a psychologist. The killer usually disappears without a trace, but one of the victims, Fay, succeeds escaping the clutches of the assassin, and offers her help to the police. Fay explains that the killer is a man who is missing two fingers from his right hand. The slaughter continues; every killing is preceded by a phone call during which the maniac warns he is going to strike again. Eventually the killer commits a single mistake, and he soon finds his one misstep is enough to result in the police closing inÂ…


Quella villa accanto al cimitero



- The House Outside the Cemetery - The House by the Cemetery (USA) - Zombie hell house (USA)



- Horror


- Walter Rizzati


- Lucio Fulci


- Paolo Malco - Ania Peroni - Giovanni Frezza - Silvia Collatina - Dagmar Lassander


Film's Storyline:

A Young scholar from New York, Professor Norman Boyle, is charged to continue research begun by a colleague, Erick Petersen. Boyle is also to investigate the reason why Petersen committed suicide after having murdered his assistant. The mysterious crimes occurred in a provincial town where Petersen had been renting Villa Oak Mansion, a haunted structure previously occupied by a notorious criminal, Doctor Freudstein, during the Eighteenth Century. Freudstein was known to have conducted perverse experiments on human beings. Norman moves into the Villa with his wife Lucy and his son Bob. He ignores the warnings of a mysterious child, May, who tries to warn the Boyle family of the dangers of the haunted Villa. The horrible truth is that Freudstin never died. His own evil experiments transformed him into an immortal monster, a fiend which needs the flesh of living human beings in order to survive. Freudstein dwells in the Oak Mansion cellar. Norman and Lucy will be victims of the monster. Young Bob will also die, but he is destined to become the ghostly MayÂ’s eternal playmate.


Manhattan baby



- Evil Eye - Eye of the Evil Dead - The Possessed - Il malocchio



- Horror


- Fabio Frizzi


- Lucio Fulci


- Christopher Connelly - Martha Taylor - Brigitta Boccoli - Giovanni Frezza - Cinzia De Ponti

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Film's Storyline:

During an archaeological expedition in Egypt, Prof. Hacker, a young scholar, falls victim to a strange, disquieting accident inside a pyramid. As a result of this mysterious mishap, he loses both consciousness and his eyesight. Simultaneously his daughter Susie inadvertently wanders away from her mother Emily and disappears into the chaos of CairoÂ’s teeming open air market. When she turns up again, Susie is unable to explain neither how she got lost, nor why she is wearing a mysterious medallion around her neck. The Hackers return to New York where they had left their other child Tommy with Jamie Lee, EmilyÂ’s sister. In New York, Prof. Hacker undergoes a thorough examination and finds out, to his relief, that his sudden blindness is only a temporary ailment.
But just as life seems to take a happy turn for the handsome, young professor’s family, Fate springs an awful, anguishing surprise on him. Little Susie is suddenly racked by severe psychic disturbances that provoke shocking, incredible, horrendous supernatural phenomena. Because of her extrasensory powers, the child becomes a “medium” for the Forces of Evil, Forces that manifest themselves in a terrifying show of power, wreaking havoc, death and destruction. Overcoming his initial shock, Prof. Hacker discovers the source of this unmitigated Evil which threatens the lives of his children, and above all the well-being of his beloved little Susie.
Deciphering an ancient papyrus scroll, Prof. Hacker finds the way to save his daughter. He returns to Egypt, and violating the pyramidÂ’s inner sanctum openly confronts the Forces of Evil, managing to vanquish them after a hellish, heart stopping struggle.


E tu vivrai nel terrore... l’aldilà!



- And You Will Live in Terror: The Afterlife - Seven Doors of Death (USA) - The Beyond



- Horror


- Fabio Frizzi


- Lucio Fulci


- Veronica Lazar - Katherine MacColl - David Warbeck - Sarah Keller - Antoine Saint John


Film's Storyline:

In 1927 Louisiana, in a haunted hotel secretly built over one of the seven “doors to hell”, a painter is violently killed. The locals of the time suspected the involvement of witchcraft. In 1981, Liza, a young fashionable painter inherits the hotel. She leaves New York and assumes residence in the building. A blind woman warns Liza, telling her to leave before itÂ’s too late. Liza remains because she wants to resuscitate the hotel, nor does she believe in the warnings of supernatural threats. Soon after she will realize she was wrong, and, with the help of a young doctor, Liza will be forced into a pitched battle directly against the forces of spiritual evil. Maybe the only solution is hidden in an old book…





- Liza



- Horror


- Giovanni Cristiani


- Lucio Fulci


- Al Cliver - Brett Halsey - Meg Register - Gladys Thomas Clarkson

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Film's Storyline:

As professor Malcom Evans leads his archeological expedition into the Valley of the temples in southeast Sicily, Liza Harris, a twenty-six year old ex-student of his, walks along beside him, her bewitching green eyes shining with excitement, mainly because his is her first dig, but also because she’s pretty much in love with the Professor. The members of the expedition set up camp at the foot of a hill on top of which stands the ruins of a 16th Century convent. Liza is strangely attracted at the ruins, and she sneaks up to them without the Professor’s knowing, to explore. She finally finds herself in an underground chapel where, to her horror, she sees a fresco of a nun who has appeared to her in a recurring nightmare. More curious than scared, Liza chips away at the crumbling wall with her small pickaxe, and climbs through into the cavernous, dark crypt beyond. She starts photographing with her flash to create some light, and her eyes open wide with terror as the brillant, intermittent light reveals five wooden crosses at the far end of the crypt, with the mummified remains of four nuns nailed to them, flanking the Mother superior, still wearing a tattered white robe covered with satanic symbols. Terrorstruck, Liza flees from the ruined convent, to run straight into the Professor who has come searching for her. She babbles on hysterically about what she’s seen, but the professor doesn’t listen as he is too worried about the hostile reception they’re getting from the villagers who, he has heard from an underwater archeologist named Porter, will do anything to keep foreigners away - even kill! That same night, Liza has another nightmare in which she sees the five nuns actually being stoned and crucified by an angry mob. And the morning after, Porter finds a white nun’s habit lying on the deck of boat, after wichh a mysterious, decapitated, naked female shoots him through the throat with a harpoon gun. In the village of St. Rosalie, Liza discovers that all the pages referring to the ruined convent have been ripped out of the register in the local records office. She is about to give up, when she meets the local "witch" who tells her that in the 16th century, the nuns up at the convent celebrated satanic rites which culminated in orgies with youths from the village, who were then murdered and buried in the crypt. When the villagers found out about these atrocities, they stormed the convent and stoned and crucified five of the nuns. Liza, having "seen" these events in a previous nightmare, desperately tries to communicate the torment she is experiencing to the Professor, but now has angry villagers to deal with who are furious with Liza for poking her nose in, and predict all kinds of terrible happenings. That night, Liza has yet another nightmare in which she sees herself being crucified in place of the Mother Superior and the next day, the villagers’’ predictions start coming true: two members of the expedition are found impaled on stakes up at the convent ruins; the local "witch" is found dead, torn to pieces by innumerable cats; and Porter’s head is found by the police, spiked on one of the pointed hooks of his boat anor. The local police chief, Trincheri, maintains that the murders are the work of a maniac, someone "just passing through". Then, the local butcher is horribly murdered, and this theory falls flat. Soon after this, another member of the expedition dies in the most diabolical manner, in a trap that his young son inadvertently sets off. The remaining members of the expedition are in such a state of terror, that Prof. Evans orders them to strike camp. Then, he realizes Liza is missing and, fearing for her safety, because he has heard that the villagers intend to go up to the convent and destroy the remains of the infernal nuns, rushes up to the ruins, where he comes face to face with her wearing a white nun’s habit. She hurls a sharpl-pointed crucifix at him, slicing through his arm, then vanishes into the crypt as the villagers approach. They swarm down after her, but stop dead when they see the crucified nuns come alive, their faces contorted with hatred and suffering, and Liza hanging on the centre of the cross. One of the villagers puts a torch to the nuns’ habits and by the time Prof. Evans makes it down to the crypt, the flames have done their work, and villagers have started to leave. As he stands in front of the charred remains of the Mother Superior, an indistinct form materializes on the flagstones, which gradually takes the semblance of Liza, but a Liza dressed in her normal clothes, with an expression on her face indicating her spirit is finally at peace.


Door to silence



- Le porte del silenzio



- Thriller


- Franco Piana


- Lucio Fulci


- Jennifer Loeb - John Savage - Sandi Schultz - Richard Castleman

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Film's Storyline:

Melvin Dovereux is a successeful New Orleans Businessman. Having just completed a complicated and stresseful deal, Melvin is heading home to his country estate and his family. Unfortunately for him, his expensive car is caught in a strange Saturday evening trafic jam leading out of the city. It soon becomes apparent to the impatient Melvin that a "traditional function" is the cause of the delay. It is a funeral. We see a parade of solomon face people leading a black hearse to an unknown cemetery. While playing a sorrowful tune the mourners slowly make, their way past the captive businessman. "What a waste of time and energy". Melvin thinks to himself as he dejectedly waits. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Melvin hears his name called. Astonished he looks up only to find that a beatiful woman has pulled up next to his car. Melvin does not recognize her. However, she appears to know him. When the police signal Melvin to move on, the woman tells him "we’ll meet at the crossroad, before Shreveport" and quickly drives off. Melvin is intrigued. He guns his powerful car in a vain attempt to chatch this misteious woman. Cajun music provides an authentic background to Melvin’s chase. The faster he drives the further she gets from him. Soon Melvin hears the roar of a police siren. Startled, he expects the worst when he is stopped. Instead the police inform him that the main highway to Shreveport is closed. He must use a side road.Melvin turns into the deserted road and goes on, but he is not alone. The black hearse appears seemingly out of nowhere and eganges Melvin in a menacing race. All at once, Melvin will find himself being hunted down this winding backwater road by the hearse. Then again he will be the hunter, chasing his unknown prey until it simply disappears out of sight. As time goes on, Melvin appears to be losing the race. He fears that he is also losing his mind. He can glimpse the name on the wreath in the hearse and it is his. "who’s in the hearse?" he shouts angrily. There is no response from the black automobile. Is he on a collision course with his own death? Anguished and full of fear Melvin finally reaches the crossroad where the beautiful awaits. Melvin can only pray that this is not real - that this is not really happening to him.



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